Apple FaceTime : How to use Apple FaceTime on Android phones

How to use Apple FaceTime on Android - Let's face it, life in the Android world is fantastic. Android users have a lot of choices when it comes to choosing a device and it's software customization that really makes our devices personal and unique. We often get this feature years earlier than other platforms, if they ever do.

However, one area of ​​concern is messaging and video chatting with our Apple-loving friends. While there are many great alternative apps, these people still tend to prefer using iMessage and FaceTime. Well, the good news is that we won't miss that FaceTime call again. So, let's jump in and learn how to use FaceTime on Android phones.

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Apple FaceTime : How to use Apple FaceTime on Android phones

How To use FaceTime on an Android phone

Now this option is relatively new, as Apple released it with the iOS 15 update in Fall 2021, but it works on any of the best Android phones, budget devices, and even Windows PCs. Your friends at Apple have to initiate the video call, but your role as the recipient is pretty straightforward.

  • Tap the FaceTime Link to join the call.
  • Write your name (or a cute nickname).
  • Tap Continue.
  • Grants all necessary permissions to use your device's microphone and/or camera
  • Tap Sign In.
  • Wait for the person who sent the invitation to let you participate in the call.
  • Enjoy your video calls.
  • Tap Leave when ready to hang up.

That's all, really, just accept the link and join the call.

While you're on a call, you'll have access to onscreen controls for things like muting and unmuting your phone's microphone, turning the camera on and off, using full-screen mode, or switching from the selfie camera to the front camera. . You can even enable a grid layout to see all participants at once, just like in other video chat services like Zoom or Google Meet.

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When we first asked our readers if they were excited about the idea of ​​FaceTime coming to Android, we received a rather warm response. Of course, this implementation is not the same as having a dedicated FaceTime app for Android, it's a good solution for now. The more we can gather Android and iOS fans and friends, the better off we all will be!

Related : Apple FaceTime : How to use Apple FaceTime on Android phones

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