How to see a phone number on Instagram, it's this easy

How to see a phone number on Instagram - You want to contact the users you follow by phone on Instagram, perhaps because you need clarification about the product you're advertising or to get you a job offer. Well, this shouldn't be a problem, as long as the user in question has published this contact information and has declared his availability to respond to any requests from followers and possible collaborators in a commercial aspect.

If that helps you, I'll explain it to you in the following paragraphs. how to see a phone number on instagram, using a special function on the platform. To complete the information, then in the last part of this article, I will also show you how you can obfuscate your phone number, if you need it.

How to see a phone number on Instagram, it's this easy

You need to know, actually only those who have a professional/corporate Instagram profile can make the data related to their phone number public (via a special button that appears on the profile).

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Therefore, this means that unless a user with a personal account decides to "manually" write a phone number in his bio (which is highly unlikely), he will not be able to trace the latter's address. Please also be aware that some business/professional profiles may not include a phone number in their public contact information or may choose to hide it. Anyway, let's see how to proceed.

How to find out the phone number on Instagram

Below you will find information on how to find out a phone number on instagram - please use it wisely!

1. How to view phone number on Instagram for Android
All you need to do to view a phone number on Instagram for Android is to start the social network application on your device, access your account, go to the profile you are interested in and press the button that allows you to view the phone number (provided that the user has decided to make it public ).
So, log into Instagram from the official app, tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom left, then type in the username of the person (or company) whose phone number you want to see. Then touch their name to open their profile.

Once you are on the profile you are interested in, look for the Call/Message button, which should be located on the right (below the profile bio), and click on it. Then choose with which app to complete the action (e.g. Phone), so you can see the phone number linked to the account.

If instead of "Call" or "Message" you see the Contacts button, obviously the account in question has also provided an email address as contact information: press, therefore, on the corresponding button to see the phone number, which should be shown under the heading Call/Message. If you don't see this contact button, be aware that users may also decide not to show their phone number on Instagram.

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2. How to view phone number on Instagram for iPhone
To view a phone number on Instagram for iPhone, you need to follow the practical steps I have given you in the chapter about Android.

First, then, go to Instagram from the official app, tap the magnifying glass icon at the bottom left and, in the search field that appears above, type in the username of the person or company whose phone contact you want to view. Then touch their name to go directly to their profile.

Then look for the Call/Message button, which should be located on the right (below the profile bio), and tap on it. When you do, a menu will appear at the bottom. Who likes it contains the user's phone number - pressing it will start the call.

If the account has configured SMS sending as an action linked to the number, the app opens Messages: the person's number should be visible at the top.

If instead of "Call" or "Message", you see the Contacts button, it means that the account in question has provided contact information not only a phone number, but also an email address.
So press the button in question then tap on the Call/Message item to see the details of the contact you are looking for.

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That's the information that can be shared about How to see a phone number on Instagram, I hope this information is useful for you

Related : How to see a phone number on Instagram, it's this easy

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