Apex Legends infinite loading screen bug fix

Apex legends infinite loading screen -  Apex Legends has been a popular game for a long time and players can team up or go it alone and fight their rivals until they are undefeated.

Apex Legends infinite loading screen bug fix

However, there are bugs and errors in almost every game and Apex Legends is no exception. The infinite loading screen error is one of the most annoying errors.

Here's how to fix Apex Legends infinite loading screen bug.

How to fix Apex Legends infinite loading screen error?

  1. First disconnect your internet connection. If it shows a retry button, click on it and it will start.
  2. If you have multiple routers, switch to another router. You can fix the problem.
  3. Restart your router.
  4. If all those fixes don't work, try signing in with another account.


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Hope these fixes worked for you. If the problem persists, let us know in the comment section below.

Related : Apex Legends infinite loading screen bug fix

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