How To Delete Facebook Group on various devices

How To Delete Facebook Group - The procedure for permanently deleting a Facebook group that you have created is very simple. You must remove all members and administrators one by one, including yourself. For this to be possible, certain conditions must be met. The main option is for the creator to delete it.

Another way to achieve this is that the primary administrator, i.e. the person who created it, decides to leave it beforehand and thus other administrators will have the necessary permissions to delete the group, excluding other members. Otherwise, the user will not be able to be logged out, who will be able to manage this space as desired.

How To Delete Facebook Group on various devices

So this is a requirement that must be met. The process to delete a group on Facebook that you created yourself is very unscientific and won't take long. Apart from that, the steps that must be completed on a computer are very similar to what you will see in an app for mobile devices.

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How To Delete Facebook Group from computer

The desktop version of the social network has abandoned its classic image, so in this guide you will see the steps to delete a Facebook group in the new version. To do this, you need to log into your account and access the groups section of the platform, where you can use this link: Then follow the other steps:

  • Select the group you want to remove to join.
  • You have to find the "Members" section and press it to open
  • You'll find a list of everyone who is part of the group. Click on the three dots next to each member's name and click “Remove member”.
  • Then you must confirm this operation, clicking "Confirm".
  • Once you remove another member, you will be the last user in the group. Go to options and click "Exit group".
  • Confirm the operation by pressing "Exit group" again

How to Delete Facebook Group from phone

The platform also has the option to permanently delete Facebook groups from the phone. In the next section you'll find the procedure to follow for both options, whether you're using the Facebook app or the lighter alternative, Facebook Lite. They are both very similar, follow their lead below.

1.How to Delete a Group on the Facebook Application
To permanently delete a Facebook group you created, using the mobile app, you must log in and log into your Facebook account. After that, follow the steps shown below:

  • Click on the group icon and then on the "Your groups" option
  • Select the group you want to delete
  • You'll see information for the group, such as its type, name, and number of people. Click on a member's photos to enter their list.
  • Click on the three dots next to each user's name to open options
  • Select "Remove member"
  • You must confirm the operation by pressing "DELETE MEMBER".
  • On the group's main page, click the icon on the left to access Administrator Tools.
  • Press "Leave group"
  • You will see a warning that this way the group will be deleted. Confirm the procedure by pressing "QUIT AND DELETE".
  • Once you confirm that you want to leave the group as the last member, you will permanently delete the group you created using the Facebook app.

2. How to Delete a Group on Facebook Lite

The process for deleting a group from Facebook Lite can take a little longer and visually varies, but it consists of the same steps. Enter the app and follow this guide to permanently delete a Facebook group:

  • Open the drop-down menu by tapping the icon with three vertically positioned lines, in one corner of the screen.
  • Look for the "Group" option.
  • You will see all the groups you have joined. You may need to press "See more" first, then "See all" to find the ones you manage.
  • Once you find it, select the group you have created and want to permanently delete it.
  • You will be able to view group information, including members and thumbnails of their photos. Click on the member preview to open the list.
  • Once on this list, all you have to do is tap on each member's name to open the options.
  • Press "Remove (member name) from group"
  • Then you have to press "Confirm" to complete the operation.
  • On the main page, near the group information, click the down arrow to open more options.
  • Click "Leave group"
  • Press "Yes" to confirm.
  • By excluding all members and confirming that you wish to leave the group, you have completed the process.


Also read: How to Delete Facebook Pages (Fanpage) on Smartphones and PC

The main difference of the procedure in Facebook Lite compared to the main application is that, in the group section, there is everything you follow, regardless of which one

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