Trickster COD Mobile And Airborne COD Mobile, a new class on Call of Duty Mobile

Trickster COD Mobile And Airborne COD Mobile - At this time Call of Duty Mobile certainly has realized that there are 6 classes that you can choose when Playing Battle Battle Mode.

But recently there is information that says that Call of Duty Mobile will get 2 more classes which will later be added to the game, if that information is true then there will be a total of 8 Classes to choose when playing Battle Royale Mode on Call of Duty Mobile .

Trickster COD Mobile And Airborne COD Mobile, a new class on Call of Duty Mobile

Twitter user ‘MrPan_RC‘ recently shared information via screenshots that further confirmed about two new classes to be added to the mobile cod game, Trickster and Airborne.

Reddit users ‘Gamerz_ThumbsYT‘ further suspect that ‘trickster is where you create copies of your self so you can run away and airborne probably summons in an aerial vehicle to drop out of‘.

What are your estimates of the new Call of Duty Mobile Classes Class? What are the actual Speical abilities these classes have? please provide detailed information in the comments section below.

Related : Trickster COD Mobile And Airborne COD Mobile, a new class on Call of Duty Mobile

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