How to find diamonds in minecraft easily

How to find diamonds in minecraft - Diamonds are one of the most sought-after commodity items in Minecraft. Because diamonds are very rare, but they also have many practical uses! therefore almost all minecraft players are definitely looking for diamonds and the most fun and enjoyable experience in the game is looking for this shiny blue gem.

How to find diamonds in minecraft easily

Before you start your adventure in finding Diamonds in Menecraft, you really need the right tools to get the job done. To be able to mine Diamond you need Iron Pickaxe or Diamond Pickaxe. If you only use Wood, Stone, or Pickaxe Gold then you will not succeed, because later you will only mine through Diamond Ore and no Diamonds will be produced.

How to find diamonds in Minecraft

By having a pickaxe in your hand, then it's time for you to look for some diamonds. Below there are many successful ways to find Diamond Ore.
  • Know where to mine
You should know that Diamond Ore only appears between layers 1-16, but is mostly found in layer 12. To find out which layer you are on, you can check the Y value on your map (F3 on PC) (FN + F3 on Mac). You will often find Lava appearing between layers 4-10. To stay safe, you must make sure to stay on top of this layer. In this way you will later find diamonds and less likely to burn to crisp.

  • Explore the cave
An effective and very fun method to find Diamonds is to explore the Cave system. Sometimes in the Cave you will find it easier to find Diamond Ore with so much visibility. If you find a lot of lava in your path, a bucket of water might be a useful solution for making easy paths.

  • Staircase Method
You shouldn't mine directly in Minecraft, so the ladder method is a great way to reach the depths of the world safely and efficiently. Please dig yourself at an angle of 45 degrees then you leave the ladder pattern behind you. By doing it each step, dig a block one block deeper than the last. In the middle of doing these tricks then you will be able to return to the surface just by jumping backwards. Ladder construction can cover a lot of land and this is a method that is widely used to be successful in finding diamonds and other minerals.

  • Branch Mining Method
Another very effective way to find diamonds is by mining mines. This trick will cover many areas of the surface by making 2x2 tunnels and digging individual "branches" from each third block. By doing this, later you will be able to cover a lot of soil quickly without damaging unnecessary blocks.

  • Strip Mining Method
Mining this strip will involve mining by all means to be able to find rare ores. To remove the mine, you will get the necessary layers (1-16 if you are looking for diamonds) and please dig out the lines around you. By doing this, you will leave it with a cube block in the middle. Please mine enough to make a large open area. You will definitely be able to find what you are looking for this way, but you should know that this way it will be very time consuming.

  • Chests
If you are truly fortunate, you can find Diamonds in a Chest in the Axle or Abandoned Mining Village. But because this incident is very rare, then you should not rely on crates to hunt diamonds.

Another tip in find diamonds
  • Don't get too excited and quickly mine Diamond Ore. you better make sure to check the surrounding blocks. If not, then later you will be surprised by the flow of Lava and losing your wealth, or maybe it could be even worse, which is about your life.
  • You must always carry lots of torches. Mining in search of diamonds is a dark job, so you have to make sure you can see it and bring the tools you need.
  • Lava does not guarantee Diamonds. Many players assume that if you are Lava, you will be able to find rare Ore, but that is a false statement.

That's the review from the admin about How to find diamonds in minecraft easily, hopefully this post is useful and can be the best reference for you. if you have other mining techniques for finding diamonds, please write in the comments below

Related : How to find diamonds in minecraft easily

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