Comparison of Sniper Rifle DL Q33 and Arctic .50 on Call of Duty Mobile

Sniper Rifle DL Q33 and Arctic .50 - DL Q33 and Arctic 50 are two sniper rifles that are selected by Call of Duty Mobile players, both of which can topple the enemy in one shot in the chest.

Even so, DL Q33 has more damage than Arctic .50, and can kill enemies even if it shoots in the abdomen. This cannot be done by Arctic .50, which still leaves a small amount of enemy HP when shooting in the same section.

But other than that, there are more things that distinguish these two sniper rifles, and it turned out to be quite confusing. Is that?

Comparison of Sniper Rifle DL Q33 and Arctic .50 on Call of Duty Mobile

In this experiment both sniper rifles have the same attachments, namely stock, fast mag, and FMJ. Apart from that, the shooting range was also very close, so there would be no possibility of damage reduction.

By using Arctic .50, a shot in the foot will leave the target HP of one bar box a little less. From the attributes possessed by DL Q33, the target should immediately die or at least leave very little HP if it is hit by the foot, right?

Comparison of Sniper Rifle DL Q33 and Arctic .50 on Call of Duty Mobile

Now let's test using DL Q33 which has greater damage than Arctic .50 to prove this. It turns out that something surprising happened, the target HP is still left with more than one bar!

From this it can be seen that the DL Q33 damage when shooting at the target foot is smaller than the Arctic .50 damage! This is quite confusing, considering the DL Q33 has a greater damage attribute so it is better able to kill enemies in one shot. 

Comparison of Sniper Rifle DL Q33 and Arctic .50 on Call of Duty Mobile

Does this mean there is a slight error in determining damage to enemy body parts? Or is this deliberately done by the developer to give hidden advantages to Arctic .50 in addition to the fire rate?

Related : Comparison of Sniper Rifle DL Q33 and Arctic .50 on Call of Duty Mobile

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