How to use vibrant eggs in pubg || How to use colorful eggs in pubg

How to use vibrant eggs in pubg - PUBG is one of the most popular games in recent months, the game has the most popular battle royal game concept, in the game flow you are deployed with 100 PUBG players on a predetermined island and that's where you can start the beginning of the battle. You on the island must defeat the enemy, which amounts to 100 PUBG players, and you must be able to survive until the end of the game and come out to be a winner.

Some time ago the PUBG depelover had done an Upadate routine, and as usual when updating the game it provided many new items and the latest events. A recent event at PUBG that was very interesting was the Colorful Color Eggs event at PUBG (Egg Hunt).

How to use vibrant eggs in pubg || How to use colorful eggs in pubg

In this post, the admin will discuss in full about the PUBG Colorful Egg event and the Location of the Egg Existence. If you are curious, refer to the full explanation below.

Function of PUBG Colorful Eggs and Gifts to be Received
With the colorful egg event at PUB, there will certainly be many interesting items that come along, besides the interesting items in the event, there is also a mysterious menu in the form of the Surprice Egg menu in the Spring Draw. Here is a way to use surprice egg to get a mysterious gift that is already available in it.

How to use Surprice Egg in Spring Draw
  1. You enter in the PUBG game using the account that you have
  2. When you are in the PUBG lobby, now you choose the Spring Draw event on the PUBG loby page.
  3. Then later an image of an egg will appear at the bottom and precisely in the right corner, there, please click on the image of the egg.
  4. After you click the egg image, then the Surprice Egg page menu will appear, then you look for it and click on the egg image on the Surprice Egg page.
  5. After you have done the series, then you will automatically get a prize from the mysterious event randomly.
  6. Finished.

That is the information that the admin can say about the Function How to use colorful eggs in the pubg and their uses. Hopefully this information can be useful for you

Related : How to use vibrant eggs in pubg || How to use colorful eggs in pubg

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